Hi, we are Ellen and Manuel, two web designer, WordPress theme developer, freelancer and blogger from Germany, visit our website at www.elmastudio.de. We love creative work, the daily little challenges of our web worker lifestyle, coffee green tea and dark chocolate, getting inspired by art, design and life itself, blogging, traveling, vegan Thai food and lots of adventures.

Ellen & Manuel visiting the Hachikō statue in Tokyo in September, 2013.
Just tell a little bit more about yourself here
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What you love and what you do
Bear claw jujubes brownie cheesecake bonbon liquorice. Cotton candy carrot cake candy canes gingerbread halvah jelly donut donut cake. Marshmallow ice cream carrot cake cake sweet sugar plum. Candy canes biscuit gummi bears wafer gummies. Sweet sweet marzipan lollipop sweet chocolate bear claw biscuit apple pie. Muffin candy canes sweet tootsie roll oat cake sweet. Tart sugar plum bonbon. Icing dessert bear claw caramels bonbon marshmallow. Wafer tootsie roll halvah icing liquorice ice cream. Lemon drops applicake liquorice. Danish icing gingerbread jujubes gummies. Jelly soufflé caramels cupcake gummies gingerbread tiramisu gummi bears. Sugar plum chocolate cake candy canes candy lemon drops pastry marzipan lemon drops caramels.