Monthly archives of “Oktober 2011”
Barbara Crane
Recently I got a bit tired of street photography, simply because I feel there is so much repetition as opposed to bold and exciting stuff. So I was delighted to discover the street work of Barbara Crane. In the early 80s she photographed Chicago street festivals with a 4×5 Super Graphic, a Polaroid back and off camera flash, getting really close to her subjects and cropping her shots very tightly.
From the forword of Crane’s resulting book „Private Views“, published by Aperture:
„Her stated goal as a photographer is to ‚attempt to eradicate previous habits of seeing and thinking … to keep searching for what is visually new while always hoping that a fusion of form and content will take place‘.“
You can get a copy of „Private Views“ for a mere € 16 here.
Sunday walk
Autumn rain
Sunday walk
On creativity
„This idea that everything has been done is a sign of the limitations of our own imaginations.“ Colin Pantall (via Conscientious)